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My Services

I offer civil ceremony services tailored to you and your family. I travel to your destination and meet with you either in person, phone or zoom prior to your wedding ceremony, not only to get to know you and your fiancé, but to design the perfect wedding ceremony for you both


Lasso Ceremony

The lasso bonding ceremony, symbolizes the union of two people who now, due to the commitment of marriage, will be only one. The bond represents the union of the two and the love that even in the most difficult moments will overcome it by their union and promise.

Blending of the Sand

The sand ceremony which symbolizes uniting two families into one. As you each hold your sand the separate containers of sand represent your lives to this moment; individual and unique. As you now combine your sand together, your lives also join together as one family. The sand mixture symbolizes the uniting of the children, two families, now into one.

Unity Puzzle

A unity puzzle represents so many things in uniting a family together with the commitment of marriage. The couple puts together a puzzle and they can invite some family members or their kids to put the puzzle together as well.

Candle Lighting

The lighting of the candle is a ceremonial recognition of the vows exchanged by the bride and groom which united them in marriage. This unique flame means that marriage is the union of two people who have chosen to share life together rather than individually.

Let's Make Your Wedding Ceremony Truly Yours!

Consult Request

Fill the form below and I will get in touch as soon as I can to answer any questions.